Dasani is a free spirited kid with so much to offer this world with her creativity! Although she only began "Officially" Acting since the age of eight, Dasani has had her share of Lime Light Moments prior to filming. She's always been very creative in sharing her personality with the world.
Inspired by the love of the public, Dasani began filming herself on her iPad and iPhone at the same time, creating some very interesting videos of herself appearing to have been professionally recorded, in a sense. Even then she had a natural ability and desire to not only record but to produce quality work. Whatever "quality" was at the age of six!
Once she entered the world that we know of as the "World of Entertainment", Dasani embraced it as a long lost best friend....a best friend she never had. New to the world meant nothing to her. She loved getting sides and responding to auditions, cold reads...whatever it was, she just wanted to be a part of it. It completed her little being.
She made friends with the cast, crew, spectators and all those she met along the way. She is still in contact with at least one person per project that she was ever a part of since day one.
Needless to say, she loves every aspect of the Entertainment World, so much that when she had to be put on hold from acting for reasons beyond her control, she decided to improvise. She took advantage of her "hold" time and put her imagination to work.
Hence, she created RELENTLESS!
Here's a bit more on the Director:
You may have seen Dasani on TV Shows such as Law & Order SVU, The Good Wife and The Knick. TV Commercials for Bop It XT and Bobble Bitz Crunchy Slime. Print Ads, Web Promos, Music Videos, Magazines, Web Commercials and More.
Dasani enjoys being in films. She says she gets an opportunity to unleash her creativity. As she puts it "Reading a script and then becoming who I read is so cool" ... "Always having the opportunity to be someone else but never letting go of who you really are.....that's just something I love to do".
After having been a part of Short Films, Teasers and Independent Feature Films, Dasani's thoughts are "This never gets boring". As much fun as she has doing what she does, she also takes it very serious. She morphs into character when given a role. When watching Dasani in film, friends & family almost always forget they are watching "Dasani" because she pulls her audience into the roles she portrays. To add, Dasani was the recipient of BEST ACTRESS IN A SHORT FILM in 2016 for her role as Gloria in Leche, at the age of Ten. This was an unforgettable experience for Dasani. Since then she has been invited to the Newark International Film Festival to serve as an Award Presenter and to conduct/lead a Workshop for the Youth Festival.
Now at the age of twelve, she's is venturing onto uncharted territory as a Writer and Director, with that being said, let's watch it unfold.
Inspired by the love of the public, Dasani began filming herself on her iPad and iPhone at the same time, creating some very interesting videos of herself appearing to have been professionally recorded, in a sense. Even then she had a natural ability and desire to not only record but to produce quality work. Whatever "quality" was at the age of six!
Once she entered the world that we know of as the "World of Entertainment", Dasani embraced it as a long lost best friend....a best friend she never had. New to the world meant nothing to her. She loved getting sides and responding to auditions, cold reads...whatever it was, she just wanted to be a part of it. It completed her little being.
She made friends with the cast, crew, spectators and all those she met along the way. She is still in contact with at least one person per project that she was ever a part of since day one.
Needless to say, she loves every aspect of the Entertainment World, so much that when she had to be put on hold from acting for reasons beyond her control, she decided to improvise. She took advantage of her "hold" time and put her imagination to work.
Hence, she created RELENTLESS!
Here's a bit more on the Director:
You may have seen Dasani on TV Shows such as Law & Order SVU, The Good Wife and The Knick. TV Commercials for Bop It XT and Bobble Bitz Crunchy Slime. Print Ads, Web Promos, Music Videos, Magazines, Web Commercials and More.
Dasani enjoys being in films. She says she gets an opportunity to unleash her creativity. As she puts it "Reading a script and then becoming who I read is so cool" ... "Always having the opportunity to be someone else but never letting go of who you really are.....that's just something I love to do".
After having been a part of Short Films, Teasers and Independent Feature Films, Dasani's thoughts are "This never gets boring". As much fun as she has doing what she does, she also takes it very serious. She morphs into character when given a role. When watching Dasani in film, friends & family almost always forget they are watching "Dasani" because she pulls her audience into the roles she portrays. To add, Dasani was the recipient of BEST ACTRESS IN A SHORT FILM in 2016 for her role as Gloria in Leche, at the age of Ten. This was an unforgettable experience for Dasani. Since then she has been invited to the Newark International Film Festival to serve as an Award Presenter and to conduct/lead a Workshop for the Youth Festival.
Now at the age of twelve, she's is venturing onto uncharted territory as a Writer and Director, with that being said, let's watch it unfold.